

开篇语:该文章来源于ARMA(澳洲滚塑协会)3月月度刊文,于3月15日发布。一般来说,每月刊文会由协会主席致辞,并分享全球行业内的最新产品,技术动向。ARMA成立有几十年,在最近的30年历史中,一直由两位女性主席(前任:Leisa Donlan,现任:Michelle Rose)在协会中担任要职,她们组织编写了大洋洲地区的滚塑操作标准,安装操作指南,储罐行业标准等;组织了Rototour,邀请全球先进滚塑企业代表到各地参加学习。们对大洋洲滚塑行业,以及全球滚塑行业的发展影响是非常深远的。3月是国际妇女历史月,在这个比较特殊的月份里,ARMA选取了女性在滚塑行业发展这个主题,并摘取了多家滚塑公司女性职员的语录,来鼓舞和支持女性的成长和发展。



I remember years ago walking into a factory to see a woman running her own machine, which was a first for me.  When I asked the owner, he said she is the hardest worker in the factory, she has read all the manuals to learn, and she motivates others to work hard too.  It is empowering to see a woman take control of the path she chooses while inspiring others to be better as well.

As this month is Women's History Month and a week today was Internationals Women's Day, I would like to share some of the comments and stories from women in our industry in lieu of my usual report. 

Happy Tuesday!








" In a dynamic industry like rotational molding, it was a major accomplishment to be recognized and to receive the ARMA Icon Award in 2019.  For me, it was a humbling experience and the highlight of my career.  There were many long hours and lots of hard work that led up to today, but it has been so worthwhile.  When my career started at FERRY nearly 40 years ago, there were only a few women in the industry.  It took perseverance to prove that a woman could thrive in a technical arena, let alone internationally.   It has been refreshing to see this change through the years.  Women approach challenges differently.  If I can support or empower another woman, I am willing to share my knowledge to help her achieve her goals.   As we honor the strong mothers, wives and daughters who came before us during Women’s History Month, I think there is a good message in this quote:  “Be the one who straightens her crown, not the one who announces to the world that her crown was crooked.”  Ann Rowland, Ferry Industries

在滚塑这样一个充满活力的行业中,能够获得认可并在 2019 年获得 ARMA 偶像奖(小编注:指行业年度指标人物大奖)是一项重大成就。对我来说,这是一次震撼人心的经历,也是我职业生涯的亮点。许多漫长的时间和许多艰苦的工作成就了我的今天,但它是如此值得。近 40 年前,当我在 FERRY 开始职业生涯时,该行业中只有少数女性,我需要坚持不懈地证明女性可以在(美国)技术领域茁壮成长,更不用说国际了。多年来看到这种变化令人耳目一新。女性以不同的方式应对挑战。如果我可以支持或授权另一个女人,我愿意分享我的知识来帮助她实现她的目标。在妇女历史月期间,当我们对先于我们出生的坚强的母亲、妻子和女儿致敬时,我认为这句话中传达了一个很好的信息:“做一个整理她王冠的人,而不是那个向世界宣布她王冠歪了。”Ann Rowland, Ferry Industries(小编注:Ferry是全球知名滚塑设备生产商,总部位于美国。Ann为其工作40余年,每一位与她交流过的人,都会被她的专业及信念折服。)


" Three words – “Why?” and “Why not?” – elicit yet another figurative eye roll from the unfortunate person/s on the receiving end of my question.  The Rotomould Group operates in 6 Pacific Island countries and strong gender biases exist here - either what society thinks women can and can’t do or what women think they should or shouldn’t do. Three words – that challenge thought processes and teach women (and men) to think beyond what they think women are capable of - this is my ongoing contribution to the empowerment of women in our employ. Empowered women go on to empower more women." Jyotsna Chauhan, Rotomould Group of Companies 

三个单词——“为什么?” 和 “为何不?” – 在回答我的问题时,会引起对方另一个比喻性的白眼。Rotomould 集团在 6 个太平洋岛国开展业务,这里存在强烈的性别偏见——要么是社会认为女性能做什么,不能做什么,要么是女性认为她们应该做什么,不应该做什么。三个词——挑战思维过程并教导女性(和男性)思考超出他们认为女性的能力——这是我对在我们的员工中赋予女性权力的持续贡献。赋予女性更多女性权力。” Jyotsna Chauhan, Rotomould Group of Companies

" At the 2019 ARM conference in Houston, Conchita Miranda was awarded the highest honor in ARM, her name will be listed in the Hall of Fame forever. But when you see the photo and look at the history of this award, you will find she is the first woman to get this honor. I was so impressed as I sat there. We do not know each other, but I was so proud of her.  She looked beautiful, powerful, confident, and she proved to everyone, especially to me, that a womens' power is infinity! And we all know: Girls help girls, no matter what race, color and nationality." Sharon Zhu, Rising Sun Rotomolding Company 


在休斯顿2019年ARM大会上, Conchita Miranda被授予ARM最高荣誉,她的名字将永远被列入名人堂。但是当你看到这张照片,看看这个奖项的历史名单,你会发现她是第一个获得这个荣誉的女性。当她被授予荣誉时我就在现场,印象非常深刻!我们彼此不认识,但我为她感到骄傲。她看起来美丽、强大、自信,她向所有人,尤其是我证明了女性的力量是无限的!并且我们也都知道:Girls help Girls(女孩帮助女孩),无论种族、肤色和国籍。“Sharon Zhu, 温岭市旭日滚塑科技有限公司


It certainly takes an inner strength and determination to keep on pushing through,and standing up, in an industry dominated by men.Breaking through old stereotypes and attitudes towards woman in leadership continues to be a   hard fight, but we are certainly achieving a lot and 

it is wonderful to see a shift in these areas.I am one of the lucky ones who has support from within their company.Safescape has many women in leadership positions and with their support and mentorship it has been that much easier to comfortably take my place and thrive within my role of Group Production Manager.

look forward to seeing what future generations of women, and men, can achieve when we work together, supporting and lifting each other up as individuals, without the gender divide.This is when great things will happen.Karen DurkinGroup Production Manager Safescape

在一个以男性为主导的行业中,要继续前进并站起来,当然需要内在的力量和决心。打破对女性领导层的陈旧刻板印象和态度仍然是一场艰苦的斗争,但我们确实取得了很多成就,很高兴看到这些领域的转变。我是获得公司内部支持的幸运者之一。Safescape 有许多女性担任领导职务,他们的支持和指导,让我更容易地做好我的位置,在我担任生产经理时茁壮成长。期待看到未来几代的女性和男性在我们共同努力、相互支持和提升彼此时能够取得成就,没有性别差异。这就是伟大的事情。--Karen DurkinGroup Production Manager Safescape



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